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How can you be really spiritual?

A spiritual mind is the source of all power.

Spirituality is the essence of life. If life is a tree with roots deep beneath in the Creator, spirituality is the trunk and religions are the branches of the tree.

Are you facing psychological problems?


Stress, Fear, Anxiety

Are you in challenging situations and performing under pressure? Are you facing situations with uncertain outcomes leading to stress, fear and anxiety?



Is your personality characterised by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness and lack of interest or pleasure in daily activities?


Low self esteem

Do you as a human have negative and critical self perceptions?


Not able to understand life

Do you fail to understand life and as a result fail to understand the world around you and your place in it?

How can I help you to be more spiritual?

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Through engaging in meaningful conversation and active listening, individuals can reflect on their values, beliefs, and experiences, leading to a deeper understanding of their own spirituality.

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Read my blogs

My blogs can serve as a source of inspiration, encouragement, and guidance for those seeking to deepen their spiritual understanding and connection.

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Motivation Unlimited

Motivation plays a crucial role in spiritual development by acting as the driving force behind an individual’s engagement in behaviors, practices, and relationships that lead to greater spiritual understanding, fulfillment, and purpose.

What are different spiritual practices?

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Prayer is a crucial aspect of many spiritual traditions, serving as a means of communication and connection with a higher power or divine entity.

Meditation plays a crucial role in the process of understanding spirituality, as it allows individuals to quiet their minds, transcend their everyday experiences and connect with a deeper sense of self and the world around them.

Journaling provides an opportunity for introspection and self-reflection, which can increase one’s understanding of their beliefs, values, and motivations, and in turn, provide a deeper understanding of their spirituality.

The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it.
– Nouwen Henri J. M.


We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. – Teilhard de Chardin

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be understood as a complex 
interplay between one’s beliefs, values, and experiences, resulting in a sense of meaning 
and purpose that transcends the material realm.-Danah Zohar

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I am a Udemy certified spiritual coach. I am on a mission to revolutionise lives of people by making them understand their spiritual strengths and capabilities. I am myself a spiritualist who believes in the potential of spiritualism in its purest form.

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